Mathematics: feminine noun

The cycle Mathematica: feminine noun took place from August 2017 to June 2018 em several cities from different regions of Brazil, with the goal of discusing gender issues in the Brazilian mathematical community. At UFABC, the vent was hosted on March 23 2018, with a panel on "Teaching x Research" and "Masculine environments and the naturalization of behavior". My presentation was "Women in Mathematics: from high school to grad school", briefly showing some current statistics and historical data to motivate discussions and reflections from the audience.

Women in Science

During the II Week of Women from the ABC region, the undergrad Deborah Fabri organized the Public Lecture - Women in Science. It was an honor to be invited to participate! My contribution presented "The Science of the Women in Science", showing a brief and accessible introduction to some really cool scientific results obtained by women, and also discussing how historical prejudice against women influenced their choice of research themes and the recognition of their work.


The III CMCC Week had the theme "Research, market and innovation". It took place from March 29 to 31 2016 and it was open to the public. In this event I presented a talk on "Gravitation" in the Mathematical Physics session to present research work developed at CMCC in this field.