Juliana Fernandes da Silva Pimentel

Assistant Professor

Centro de Matemática, Computação e Cognição
Universidade Federal do ABC

contact: juliana.pimentel@ufabc.edu.br

BC0404 Analytic Geometry

Office: 507-2
Office Hours: Stop by anytime. No appointment needed.
Class Hours: Monday 08:00-10:00, Friday 08:00-10:00

Course description

Vectors: Definitions and Operations, Linear Combination, Linear Independence; Basis; Coordinate System; Dot and Cross Product. Straight Lines and Planes. Transformation of coordinates: Rotation and Translation of axes. Conic Sections: Ellipse, Hyperbola and Parabola


- WEXLER, C. Analytic Geometry - A vector Approach;, Addison Wesley, 1964.
- Geometry: A Comprehensive Course (Dover Books on Mathematics), Dan Pedoe.
- Analytic Geometry,Gordon Fuller

Grading Procedure

There will be a midterm (E1) and a final exam (E2), both weighted at 50%. The final course grade will be based on the scale:

A [8.5, 10]
B [7, 8.5)
C [5.5, 7)
D [4.5, 5.5)
F [0, 4.5)

In case you missed one of the Exams, contact your instructor as soon as possible. If your absence was for an adequately documented legitimate cause, a special make-up exam is arranged as indicated below.

In case you receive a final course grade of D or F, a resit exam will be assigned according to the program schedule below. In this case, final and resit grades will both be weighted at 50%.

Assignment #1
Assignment #3

Important Dates

E1 Exam - October 20, 2017

E2 Exam - December 1, 2017

Make-up and Resit Exams - December 8, 2017

E1 Exam Grades
E1 Exam Solutions

E2 Exam Grades - in case you want to take a look at your exam, please show up at 5pm at room R502-2 (the grades here do not include yet extra activities)
Final Grades
Resit Exam Grades

TA hours and TA Forum:

- On Fridays in A2-S309 (São Bernardo) from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm (prof. Sinuê)
- Forum GA - Tidia